Saturday, January 16, 2010

Good Map-Bad Map

Good Map

I was really impressed by the scope and beauty of this map. The map provides a lot of information about the the area and people affected by the recent earthquake in Haiti. It gives you a lot of information in written and visual form. The map makes a great use of color and the topographic relief gives the map a a real 3D effect. There is also some information on the geology of the region, showing the tectonic plates. With all of the great construction of the map, I think the best part is how the written information connects with the places on the map and brings it to a human level. The narratives contain information on what the lives of the people were like in the areas around the city of Port-Au-Prince, prior and after the earthquake. It gave me an understanding of the magnitude of the disaster and the map is a good blend of information with an artist's touch.
(Source NY Times-Jan. 16, 2009)

Bad Map

This map is incomplete. It doesn't have a north arrow, legend or scale among other missing elements. The labeling is hidden under many of the lines and it's unknown what the red dots symbolize.
(Source Boise County, ID Planning & Zoning)

Friday, January 1, 2010