Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lab 7-Proportional Symbol Mapping

Lab 7 Proportional Symbol Mapping- I started feeling a little more comfortable with Adobe Illustrator. I experimented with the transparency and found something I felt like I could live with. Although, I didn't know if it was an issue (from a cartographic point) that the symbols that hang over the countries into the with white background change color. I still think the average viewer would get the picture. Layer management seems to be one of the keys for keeping your drawing organized and to help manage general craziness!  I did have a little trouble at first getting my projection from ArcMap to look right.  I also had a similar problem as a few other students did, that ArcMap was giving me a bogus scale.  I ended up starting a new map and reimporting the shapefile and reprojecting and it looked fine. I tried to use a natural breaks method for configuring the ranges and then took an average of the wine consumption within those ranges for the display in the legend.  Computing the symbol sizes for the proportions, seemed pretty straightforward.  Overall I thought it was a fun map to produce and it was interesting to see which countries were the big wine drinkers! Drink up!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Rusty. Maybe making No Data stand out more would have worked better. A different color?
